Supported by an unrestricted academic independent medical education grant from Alcon.

3D Episode 20

August, 2020

Severe Bell's Phenomenon/Impale Phaco Chop, Controlling Sideport Leakage, Stromal Hydration and Infusion Misdirection Syndrome

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Surgery Details

Surgery Desciption

A patient with severe Bell’s phenomenon undergoes cataract-implant surgery.  Techniques that overcome this problem are demonstrated.  During the procedure, excessive sideport leakage is recognized and contained, the impale chop technique is utilized, and stromal hydration and infusion misdirection syndrome are discussed.

Learning Objective

Use this information to aid visualization in eyes with Bell’s phenomenon Reduce sideport incision leakage during phacoemulsification Demonstrate the steps involved in impaling and then chopping a relatively dense nucleus Discuss the history of stromal hydration and recognition of infusion misdirection syndrome.


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